I will come off as a total jerk here but bear with me and deal with it, since it's my blog. We as a society are getting dumber by the day. Really dumber. I noticed this around the time when the amazing show Arrested Development was cancelled because of low ratings. Why? Because people actually needed to rub two brain cells together to follow something the Hollywooders call a storyline. No, said the people. We want to not think, we want to stare and be numbed by the idiot box. Give us more reality shows, where we can watch and laugh at others who are also sitting on their couches. What maroons, they said. Is it me or is a reality show defined as anything you are actually watching. Reality means if it's there, then it's reality. Therefore all shows are reality.
We want it now. So if Joey and Janey Gymgoer can't cardio, fling, flail and swallow the magic pill to be who they fantasize about in just 30 days they just quit. We are such a 'now' society, and world for that matter. It really is both sad and humorous. Sadly funny? Laughingly melancholy? Ok.
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