Monday, June 11, 2012


While I am trying to basically teach myself how to effectively research and put it all together in a simple yet informative way, I figure it would be wise to still post. Post what? Tonight it is basic life stuff. Thought patience was a great place to start. Patience. Waiting. Reflective. Tonight it reminds me of a person I recently met. And when we think we are feeling a connection or are smitten, we seem to forget patience. Maybe it's the human race today, as we want everything now. But it doesn't work that way with emotions and feelings. You meet, you have an amazing time, you go home. and when you reach home, your mind goes in many directions. You analyze everything; did I say the right thing, did I open the door, did I ask the right questions? We want to know what the other person is thinking, deciding, at that very moment as well at their house, in their room, laying in their bed. Was the time spent as enjoyable for them as well? Did they laugh at your humor? Did they seem comfortable? Did we make enough eye contact? It is enough to cause an enormous amount of stress, of self doubt. I have to remind myself that no one wants or needs to be forced into a quick decision. Not that I would ever do that anyway, but we need to practice that word again - patience. What we want or seek should not come to you immediately. There should be a waiting process, no matter how seemingly torturous. Time is needed to absorb and decipher, to comprehend and understand. And while we may want an answer quickly, it is illogical in this sense. One meeting can not realistically determine if two should be together. I find that letting someone know I am interested, in a subtle and quick way, should be followed by giving her space. Being a genuine and sincere gentleman on a date resonates clearly to a woman, and I find it respectful to then allow some space and time for her to decipher and comprehend. If she decides to move on, then I find comfort in knowing that I showed her exactly the real person I am. Stay true to self, always... Time will tell. Patience...

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