Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Today's agenda

  So i am sitting here with a cold and your basic head congestion. Sunday was spent pretty much doing manly stuff like coughing, sniffling, watching football and eating chocolate. It was definetly a day where I had no desire to do much moving, but was convinced by my girlfriend that moving, i.e doing sprints ,would help loosen things up. So, since it had been two weeks since I had been able to run becuase of a recurring heel issue and this was the day I had marked to give it a trial run, I said what the heck.
  Now before I go on, let it be known that my tolerance for being ill is pretty low. It annoys me to no end basically. I pretty much will give it one day and then I expect it to be gone, whether it's a cold or typhoid fever or leukemia, just get the hell out of me. So my method has always been to approach illness like a 1941 Japanese Kamikaze pilot; just take everything available and overload my system. It's the kill-or-be-killed mentality. At this point it's a matter of blitzing the body with any and everything, so this time it was a Dayquil  chug on the hour, coffee to be a bronchodilator, throat lozenges, Ibuprofren and some sinus meds. In my younger days I used to throw down a few shots of whiskey, but let's not go there.
  Feel much better today. Energy is better, legs not so weak, mental clarity much clearer, sinuses not so snotty. So how about training today? I am scheduled to do lower body so this will be interesting. Since I don't load my back via back squatting it's safe to assume that I won't get stapled at any point. Does anyone remember the old Saturday morning '70's cartoons? There was that one guy who had a 'hankering for a hunka, a pice a, slice, a chunka, I got a hankering for a hunk of cheese' and he had such wobbly legs. That's me when I'm sick. Without the cheese cravings.
  So the smartest idea today will be to focus more on flexibility and form. Normally now in my old age ( 42 next month) my main concern is hamstrings and glutes. By the way, I call glutes 'cupcakes'. This is because I want a butt so tight that all the ladiezzzz will want to cup my cakes. Now you know.
  What do I normally do for leg work? It's sumo kettlebell squats with a wide stance, goblet squats, a lateral lunge or squat, suitcase dumbell pulls and lots of calf stretching. Very basic but works for me. I have been blessed to have leg size and fullness ( thanks, mom) so the aformentioned and some plyometrics works for me. Since breathing could be an issue today, I will most likely not do any supersets. I do, however, love my pushups and will throw some of those in the mix today.
  A pretty rambling and pointless post I know. Blame it on the Dayquil.

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